Schoolboy Q – Hell Of A Night (Vice Remix)

One of the busiest DJs out there in the scene, LA’s Vice, has a new treat for us as Wednesday gives way to the free fall that will eventually get us to Friday. Known primarily for his work as a progressive house and electro producer, Vice channels his inner Tchami for a high energy, super dose of real deep vibes on Schoolboy Q’s “frat rap” standard, “Hell Of A Night.” We’re talking all the makings of a certified banger: punchy synth progressions, atmospheric build-ups into cataclysmic drops, and a fantastic repurposing of  Schoolboy Q’s vocals layered over blistering, 80’s electronica inspired pads. If Vice were Victor Frankenstein, this would be the marvelous creation concocted in a secret lab. And thankfully, we here at Blisspop don’t shy away from monsters. We lovingly accept them.

Hit up Vice’s Facebook for the free download and listen to his remix after the jump.

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