PREMIERE: Pink Slip – Time (ft. Keegan Neverett)

Pink Slip released his first track “Dark In The Light (ft. Chloe Gilligan)”  mere weeks ago and it was amazing, perfectly balanced dark wave. Pink Slip has so much potential to become one of 2015’s best new producers. Most of the my favorite artists at the moment are college kids making awesome bedroom beats. I’m not even surprised Pink Slip’s music is so good because he’s an Atlanta native studying at Belmont University in Nashville, which are obviously two great places to be making music.

When I found out he was releasing a new track so soon after his “Dark In The Light”, I was absolutely ecstatic. His new song “Time (ft. Keegan Neverett)” lives up to all my expectations. Pink Slip is really making a go at this future trap fusion of sounds, keeping all that lovely bass and adding a touch of soul. As soon as you click play, this song builds and you’re instantly entranced.

His manipulation and the way he goes harmonizing the vocals is super interesting. I don’t where he finds all these people with great voices or if he’s just masterful at making friends with singers. Regardless, he has such a good ear and knows how to accentuate the lyrics and the vocalist.

His entire approach to music is most intriguing. You can definitely by his production style that Pink Slip isn’t afraid to take risks or do things a bit out of the box. That’s why I love his music so much is because it’s consistently something I haven’t heard before. I love the clicking and it’s play on the tick tock of a clock. It was such a smart move.

He does all the production himself, mixing and mastering to boot, and the songwriting follows. It’s just yet another way Pink Slip creatively distinguishes himself. He’s only 18 and this kid has mega potential. Check out his latest track “Time” featuring Keegan Neverett.


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