Wave Age – Thug Love

Get ready, D.C. There might be a new sheriff in town.

Coming out of the shadows, the mysterious Washington based Wave Age is a project rooted in bass and house music that, according to the official bio, draws influences from artists like Justin Jay and Friend Within. This much is evident: the enigmatic producer is out to make you drop whatever you’re doing and dance.

The first release, “Thug Love,” is a deep cut with an obvious love for being tongue-in-cheek. Combining the acapella from Khia’s “My Neck, My Back” with a bouncy, UK bass backdrop, “Thug Love” is a finely tuned experiment in giving us the goods without any fuss or muss. It’s a filthy, groovy, spaced out odyssey that explores not just underground house music, but also the current fascination with old school, throwback hood anthems from the Millenial generation’s childhood thereby cementing the track’s undeniable earworm status with a self-aware finesse which is deserving of the loudest sound system you can find.

In other words, if you’re in dire need of a replacement for Breach’s “Jack” in your setlist, I think Wave Age has you covered.

Download Wave Age’s “Thug Love” via the official Facebook page and stream it below.

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