Sugar Hill & Wasabi – It’s On You

Brazil’s Sugar Hill has been on the rise over the past year or so, specifically on DJ hot spot Beatport, and has been supported by the likes of Oliver $ and Bob Sinclair. Gaining notoriety for a sound that is steeped heavily in a French press labeled ‘DISCO,’ Sugar Hill’s newest release, which marks another go with frequent collaborator Wasabi, is a blast to the past with fabulous hooks and even more spectacular emphasis on groove.

Sampling Double Exposure’s classic track “Everyman,” Sugar Hill & Wasabi’s newest outing on Erase Records is a gripping headlock enraptured with a funkadelic quality reserved for high energy sets and peak hour airplay. Titled “It’s On You,” the track feels like it literally washes over you as the disco strings and bass cleanse the body and mind with positivity and good vibes. The bass especially has an infectious flair to it that will more than likely make everyone in the general vicinity bounce and break hard enough to require a few aspirins the next morning. Killer track.

You can pick up the track via Beatport and listen to it after the break.

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