Snakehips – Forever (Pt. II) Feat. Kaleem Taylor

So #blessed Snakehips dropped this delicious track Monday. “Forever (Pt. II)” is the first track off the UK duo’s new, highly anticipated EP and it is so smooth. Kaleem Taylor glides his sultry vocals over Snakehips groovy beat. There’s a reason Snakehips is my favorite artist at the moment and it has everything to do with their excellent production and their attention to vocals. They find these people with amazing voices and really showcase that, along with their soulful but bouncy beats. This track is lusciously sensual, the perfect slow banger, and has the sexiness of a Victoria’s Secret model.

They just announced their new tour, hitting 9:30 Club on 06/27, which is going to be crazy af.

On a scale of 1 to en fuego, this track = multiple fire emojis 🔥🔥🔥.

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Cop the full EP here: