Flight Facilities ft. Owl Eyes, “Heart Attack (Snakehips Remix)”

Snakehips consistently defies genre expectations with each new release. Not quite trap, not exactly future bass, the young UK duo finds ways to maneuver around the majority of likeminded producers in their field by manipulating the sounds and atmospheres at their disposal. It makes sense, in that light, that they would attempt to rework an act like Flight Facilities who, in their own right, has managed to be incredibly fluid in the dance music community since their inception.

The Snakehips’ touch on “Heart Attack” is very forward: it’s got a soulful, wobbly intro that  largely circles around Owl Eyes‘ sultry vocals before eventually slipping into a dip-it-low rhythm that tiptoes on gorgeous, syncopated percussion and chopped vocal samples. It’s a chill, bass infused masterwork of feeling that manages to walk the fine line between smooth and sexy and, in many ways, captures a generational mindset unique to the millennial crowd. Mainstream, but unique. Indie, but pop. Approachable, but not boring. Overall, it’s a remix that showcases Snakehips at their most ambitious.

Listen to the remix below.

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