Pink Slip – Dark In The Light (Feat. Chloe Gilligan)

Here’s what you need to know about this song:
0:00 It starts off with a light beat and the haunting vocals of Chloe Gilligan and you quickly notice Pink Slip’s attention to detail, i.e. the undertone harmonization on the vocals
0:45 Keeping with the darkwave vibe, PS mixes in some alt-electronic r&b beats, very The Weeknd-esque, for the chorus of the track
1:10 Very elegant, delicately placed but groovy beat break
1:30 PS keeps the momentum of the song while giving Gilligan time to elaborate her vocals
2:05 This is the point where you realize you really like the chorus
2:20 This is great. PS goes all out hinting at beats we haven’t heard since Bauuer’s 2012 “Harlem Shake”
3:00 And now you’re realizing that this song is amazing.

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In just two weeks this song has attracted a mere 2700 plays. It’s the only song on SoundCloud by the duo of two Belmont University students. Pink Slip and his vocalist Chloe Gillian show great potential in their first of hopefully many collaborations to come. PS really does something magical in this initial darkwave sounding track. He incorporates a lot of different styles but they don’t clash in any way. The track, cleverly named, really plays on this idea of dark and light. Like I said, this track is ridiculous in every good way. It’s been stuck on repeat for the week and hopefully the duo will something else out soon.