Oliver – Fast Forward

As Fool’s Gold Records starts to blend into the mainstream after being on the periphery for the past few years, many of the lesser known artists on the label have started to leak into the pop consciousness. And Oliver, the nudisco duo known for their 8o’s inspired hooks impregnated with an electro flair, is set out to prove themselves as the next big thing behind Fool’s Gold mainstays A-Trak, his side project Duck Sauce, and the college party incarnate Danny Brown.

Oliver’s latest EP, “Light Years Away,” features a B-side called “Fast Forward” which is evident of this. While the title track vocodes its way through an intoxicating series of builds and drops, “Fast Forward” takes the rock ‘n’ roll route: brash, take no prisoners, and super techno funkified. This track recalls memories of “Human After All” Daft Punk slamming a “Brainwasher” style beat drop in a way that demands to be heard on a club sound system and elements of complextro that flitter its way through the track without sacrificing Oliver’s indie nudisco roots; this is an unwavering dance tune that hits hard and hits home with harmonious lifts and shin-splinting, futuristic beatbreaks worthy of the next 2manydjs set.

Listen to “Fast Forward” below and grab the “Light Years Away” EP today.

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