I Am Oak – On Trees and Birds and Fire (Sam Feldt & Bloombox Remix)

Amsterdam based producer Sam Feldt, who is recently coming off the hot, vibey remix of Naxxos’ “New Orleans,” is back at it again with a slick remix of folk group I Am Oak’s “On Trees and Birds and Fire.” This is Feldt’s second collaboration with Bloombox – also out of Amsterdam – after they dropped a wickedly addicting remix of Mumford and Sons’ “I Will Wait” this past February.

Their most recent collab features lots of soul, lots of horns, and a deep melodic groove while keeping the haunting core of the source material at the heart of the track which, when combined, creates a track that not only rests on its laurels as a piece of whimsical deep house, but also as a piece of free flowing, anthemic bliss. This is a must have track that will set the dance floor into a starry eyed, uplifting trance. Make sure you get it when it drops on Spinnin’ Deep on September 8.

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