EDX, “Belong”

Proving that he has plenty of hidden feels up his very talented sleeves, EDX has been evolving and shifting his sound into something richer and with more warmth as of late. Following a string of impressive releases on Spinnin’ Deep and Enormous Tunes, the Zurich based DJ has been incredibly busy with a grueling tour schedule, his ‘No Xcuses’ brand, and plenty of studio time honing his new direction.

Known primarily for his work as a progressive house artist and his legacy that stretches back into the 90’s, EDX has been venturing into the land of deep house for some time now and his newest release, “Belong,” may very well be the track that officially launches him on his maiden voyage. With a vocal that is borderline audiosexual, “Belong” is a bass heavy, ambient melody with a lot of heart and overflowing, uptempo positivity. Adding in a subtle horn element, the track walks the fine line between tropical Ibiza coolness and main room foot-stomper and, thankfully, it never fully reaches the level of absurdity that’s required to be considered full-blown tropical #EDM (a trend that’s been more and more prominent on Spinnin’ Deep recently).

This is the type of track that demonstrates what time in a game like house music can add up to and, seeing as EDX has the advantage of having a lot of experience, it’s refreshing to know that even the oldest of dogs are more than fully capable of showing off their new tricks. With more tracks like “Belong” on the horizon, it wouldn’t be surprising to see even more of a renewed interest in EDX in the coming months, so keep your eyes peeled for a DJ set near you – it’s a party you won’t wanna sleep on.

“Belong” will be released on Spinnin’ Deep on September 21.

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