NGHTMRE & Slander, “Gud Vibrations”

With his EP Nuclear Bonds on the horizon, Cali-bred producer NGHTMRE decided to share a collaboration with Slander a little earlier than expected. Sampling the Loleatta Holloway track that made Marky Mark a household name in the 90’s, “Gud Vibrations” is the kind of future bass/trap hybrid that the college aged, #EDM crowd craves as it swoons and stabs through valleys of tropic inspired waves of synths, drums, claps, and builds. Eventually, however, it jettisons into a rollicking roller coaster of a banger that brings recent collaborations like Dog Blood and Jack Ãœ to mind. A surefire festival monsterpiece, NGHTMRE and Slander has us wanting to go hard and get crazy as long as the vibrations get good. Or, should we say, ‘gud.’

Listen to “Gud Vibrations” below and visit NGHTMRE’s SoundCloud page for the download.

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