Lauv, “The Other (The Jane Doze Remix)”

Showing a new voice can be difficult. The Jane Doze, however, given their background in music production and chops in the recording industry, doesn’t seem to falter with this concept in their more recent work; a remix of Lauv‘s “The Other,” showcases a deeper and more emotive side to the duo.

Their experimentation with richer, more tender soundscapes was on display in their recent  bootleg of “Grow,” but here it’s matured into a poppy, light, sensual touch perfect for the dog days of summer. Plenty of reverb layered over the vocals and soft percussion give an otherworldly impact as grand piano provides gravitas. These aspects demonstrate the pair’s attention to detail and expert analysis of pop structure which in unsurprising given how on point their productions have been in the past. The duo has built a reputation on being able to capture the musical current at the time and, given the popularity of artists like Sam Feldt, Robin Schulz, and Kygo in recent months, it appears that the gals have nailed it once again – a testament to their versatility and dynamite track record thus far.

You can stream The Jane Doze remix below. Plus: it’s a free download!

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