KMRT – Runnin’

Kristian Martinez, who goes by the name KMRT, is an exciting new find. About to release his first EP through by renowned DJ and producer Tommie Sunshine via his label Brooklyn Fire, KMRT trades in the increasingly popular deep grooves that are turning heads in the dance music scene for pure, unadulterated techno music that’s both fresh and stimulating.

“Runnin’,” one of the singles on his upcoming EP (the appropriately titled “Excavation”), is  a champion in the making. Taking a very simple percussive approach with a very trippy, chopped up vocal, this track is an eargasmic example of how exercising basic song structure can stand for itself; you won’t hear any unnecessary filters or echoes to give this track a false sense of build or tension because the groundwork – the very addition of each new beat – is the only build that’s needed. This track is a pedal to the metal hype machine which will without a doubt set the bar a little bit higher during a peak hour set.

Make sure you grab “Runnin’,” as well as the rest of KMRT’s EP, when it’s released on September 9.

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