Florence + The Machine – What Kind Of Man (Nicolas Jaar Remix)

Nicolas Jaar is one of those artists who, in my opinion, is fully incapable of making a bad song. Everything he touches is so quality, that it’s hard to believe that he can top any of the work he’s put out already, whether it’s his solo work, his work with Dave Harrington as Darkside, or even his soundtrack to an avant-garde Armenian film from 1969. His music is always so intricately crafted, with attention paid to the most minute details, that each listen leaves me wondering how he does it.

That said, this song almost slipped past my radar, and I’m so glad it didn’t because it’s one of the best remixes I’ve heard recently. Jaar’s mindblowingly bonkers remix of Florence + The Machine’s new song, “What Kind of Man” just turned my entire world upside down.

Jaar takes Florence’s rock hymn and completely transforms it into a pulsating 12-minute long heater. It starts out with Florence’s tweaked vocals over a groovy beat that is so quintessentially Jaar’s, until it suddenly reaches its disco-influenced climax. Nicolas Jaar simply dropped this out of nowhere, and I’m hoping that this is the sign of more new music to come.

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