Toronto’s Chris De Minico – better known by his alter-ego HRMXNY - is on the fast track to becoming a major player in the underground dance music community at large. Having already shared DJ booths with superstars Kaytranada and STWO, De Minico has gravitated towards a sound that is complex, enigmatic, and colorful while being intrinsically sublime.

You, one of the tracks from his recently released EP entitled “In Time,” is undeniably his most deft creation to date. Demonstrating an adroit understanding in production, You bounces and glides through shimmering layers of ambient vocal samples and lavish, rich, full kicks and snares. Overall, the track comes off as incredibly sensual and personal meaning the stakes here are high and, arguably, worth the risk. In fact, it feels so fine that it wouldn’t be crazy to believe that it’s titled You because it was originally made as a labor of love for a forlorn lover: a confirmation, in earnest, of how stunning and idiosyncratic HRMXNY’s latest happens to be.

Listen to You after the jump and be sure to pick up HRMXNY’s ‘In Time’ EP via Bandcamp.

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