Purity Ring – Begin Again

Trap music’s manic pixie dream girlfriend, a subgenre sometimes referred to as “witch house,” started appearing a few years ago as artists like Grimes and Giraffage began to slip into the mainstream consciousness as indie electronica experimented more heavily with aspects of 80’s goth-rock and shoegaze. As a result, the Canadian duo Purity Ring, had an expedited rise to prominence during this period: they earned praise from Pitchfork, NPR, and the New York Times; they toured extensively at sold out shows across North America including appearances at major festivals like Coachella and Bonnaroo; and their experimentation with stage design earned them “must see” status as their live set-up quickly went viral amongst music aficionados.

Set to release their sophomore effort this March, Purity Ring has given the electronic music community a treat in the form of a new track from their upcoming album. Titled Begin Again, the track opens with the soundscapes we’ve grown accustomed to with Purity Ring as Megan James’ swooning vocals pan into a flurry of deep synth stabs and intricate percussion. And while their previous album, ‘Shrines,’ was incredibly concise, their updated sound definitely shows some maturity as the atmosphere feels more extravagant and full. If Begin Again is an inkling of what we can expect in March, then indie electronica is going to have a field day with what evidently appears to be a major player for “Best Of” lists in 2015.

You can listen to Begin Again after the jump.

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