Purity Ring – bodyache

Purity Ring dropped a new song called “bodyache” off their upcoming, severely anticipated album Another Eternity, out March 3rd (thank you finally!). I don’t think I need to tell you it’s magical.

Her voice is just stellar. The chorus is phenomenal. It’s so twinkly bus also bassy and nobody can pull that off the way Purity Ring does. I love that they created their own conjuncted term “bodyache” to convey that exact raw emotion. This song is devastatingly beautiful, much like most of the duo’s work.

But what is this music video? I have no idea but it is completely, utterly mesmerizing and I have no idea why. It’s weird af, for sure. This gold creature is stunning and simultaneously creepy and strangely emotionless, much unlike the song. Megan James sings with such power and conviction, which is why the creature is a bit displacing.

Regardless, song is cool, jury’s still out about the video.

But whatever. In the time it took me to write this, you can now just stream the whole album. I think this the first time I’ve ever seen anyone release a new song and then release the album stream within minutes of each other, never mind releasing the song on YouTube. Who uses YouTube anymore? Purity Ring makes up their own rules.