Taylor Swift – Blank Space (Wave Age Bootleg)

Washington’s enigmatic dance maestro Wave Age has been on a hot streak for a few months with stellar remixes of Danzig and Khia. And now it looks like the titanic producer is tackling a titanic track in its own right: Taylor Swift’s “Blank Space.”

Whereas the original has a very stripped down, rhythmic, low BPM approach, Wave Age unleashes a series of synth stabs and G-house beat production as a means of remastering he track into a feel good anthem. The result is a snappy, indulgent piece of electronic pop that stands alone in a tsunami of T-Swift house remixes by taking the road less traveled; for example, the vocals here are handpicked to maximum effect focusing on the revelation of being a “nightmare” and complemented with dreamy, plucky strings. And while the track cycles overhead, the optimism introduced by the bright patterns early on carries the track to soulful territory thereby overcoming the age old proposition: how does one carry on a legendary track’s legacy while maintaining artistic credibility and the want to make it fresh in a new light?

Listen to the remix below and hit up Wave Age’s SoundCloud for a free download.

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