Steven A. Clark, “Can’t Have (Ape Drums Remix)”

Gracing the tightrope that extends between bumping G-house and pop electronica, Ape Drums’ remix of Steven A. Clark’s “Can’t Have,” out now on Secretly Canadian, is a supernova of glittering sound that flows beautifully like champagne in Paris. Tiptoeing around a series of bubbly drops punctuated with a floating array of chopped vocals, the remix finds the perfect balance of niche satisfaction and radio play sentimentality through its ability to follow an emotive pop structure without sacrificing the identity of the remix artist. In this case, the dancehall approach followed by Houston producer Ape Drums is what elevates the track from standard remix fare to exceptional banger – a commendable feat considering the original edit by Clark is remarkably catchy and an unorthodox alternative R&B track in its own right. Overall, the remix is a symphonic daydream that somersaults and sways with confident swagger.

And it deserves to be pumped in your car when you roll around town.

Listen to the Ape Drums remix of Steven A. Clark’s “Can’t Have” below.

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