Spank Rock – Back Up

Spank Rock’s “Gully” was a surprise this summer: the kind of guilty, filthy house track that DJs love to slip into their sets just to grime up the dancefloor a little bit. And in the spirit of bringing down the house, Baltimore’s Spank Rock is back to make the dance music crowd unleash their inner hellions.

The cleverly named “Back Up” is a miraculous exercise in blasting the doors off the hinges with high-tempo, dirty beats and a Baltimore club inspired aesthetic that leaves no room to take sides. Instead, the track makes the line between different cliques of the current dance music community an incredibly blurry one; it refuses to follow any rules thereby creating a fresh, trill-heavy, relentlessly rowdy slammer guaranteed to unite everyone under the sole purpose of going nuts. This spirit is masterfully crafted by Kid Kamillion’s personal touch on the production end leaving us with a hard hitting banger comprised of sick builds, earth shattering drops and, of course, a vocal delivery by Spank Rock which is both ferocious and unstoppable. To put it simply, “Back Up” ultimately wants us to stop tweeting or texting or Facebooking for a moment and just drop it as low as you can to the floor. And at a swift 3 minutes, this track doesn’t mess around.

You can grab “Back Up” tomorrow when it’s released by Bad Blood and Boysnoize Records.

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