Paul Leary – “Machina”

Earlier this evening, Oswego, NY based composer and SUNY Oswego music professor Paul Leary uploaded “Machina,” a piece he performed on a Max7 drum machine he built (see picture above). The ten-minute long sonic journey begins with a pure square wave synth. After automating the degrade effect of the square wave synth, Paul introduces various percussive, melodic, and harmonic elements to the piece. Each musical element in “Machina” occupies its own frequency niche, something many producers strive for. As “Machina” progresses, Paul builds the intensity with each element he adds. The intensity continues to build until the breakdown (5:15) – at this point, only the square wave and another synth remain. After these two remaining elements harmonize for some time, Paul samples a famous Oppenheimer quote. The quote, which ends with “I suppose we all thought that, one way or another,” segues into a section with the drum machine accompanied by an atmospheric synth.

But the piece is never quite the same after the Oppenheimer sample. Perhaps alluding to the destruction caused by the atomic bombs, Paul disrupts the continuity perceived by the listener before the breakdown. From the Oppenheimer sample, the piece staggers to its end with beautifully crafted breakbeat and glitch patterns. Paul concludes “Machina” by fading the atmospheric synth into oblivion.

Listen to “Machina” here:

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