Mighty Mouse – That Piano Track

The team at Blisspop has a bit of a loving adoration for Mighty Mouse’s work. The currently London based producer and DJ has come out with incredible remixes of artists like Gil Scott-Heron, Prince, and Madonna and has further cemented his deep-seated vibes with original works like the recent “Shaker Faker.” The guy is really good.

Today sees the release of his most recent original work: a free download simply named “That Piano Track.” The independent release is everything we’ve come to expect from Mighty Mouse as it is an intrinsically groovy piece of house laced with a circulating vocal sample, a dubby bassline, and an unwavering sense of escalation that perfectly comes to a precipice before delivering elated exultation. And the piano track? The piano on the track glows in its directness: without becoming cheesy or over the top, the piano compliments the flowing melodies giving much of the build a meaty harmonic backbone.

Listen to Mighty Mouse’s latest track below and hit up his SoundCloud for the free download.

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