Melanie Martinez, “Soap (Solstis Remix)”

Looking to go the more complicated route than following the handbook for basic pop idols, Melanie Martinez has shown a level of self-awareness displayed by artists like Lady Gaga and Madonna in their prime. And even though the original holds up as ecstatic pop goodness, the Solstis remix of her single “Soap” from Cry Baby, may very well win her some new fans.

Solstis, the Chicago based winners of this year’s Electric Forest Discovery Project, have flipped “Soap” into a future bass-y, chilled out series of waves that sooth and caress feels as they bump and groove with each percussive kick. Atmospheric, melodic, and enchanting, the duo’s focus on ambience is the prime factor which makes the overall piece work as well as it does. The remix is inviting, it moves, but above all else it asks us as the listener to mentally drift off somewhere nice and warm.

The Solstis remix of “Soap” is now available as a free download.

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