Le Youth – R E A L

Le Youth has been releasing a steady stream of soulful deep house treats for months now and his latest is no exception. Titled “R E A L,” his newest foray into the dancehall feels like a continuation of the similarly spaced out “C O O L”; it leans on overall vibe like the former while showcasing a newer side to Le Youth’s talents as a producer. This growth is in many ways reminiscent of the kind of sounds coming from artists like Lane 8 on the Anjunadeep label via interstellar synths and cosmic piano riffs which line the track like fleece inside a North Face jacket. A pleasant surprise also shows here as the vocals from Brandy’s “I Wanna Be Down” are sampled to complement the already warm and cuddly vibes; a nice touch to add some melodic fluff.

No word on an official release as of yet, but you can stream Le Youth’s most recent track after the jump.

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