Kim Brown – Rubies, Riches & Crowns

Permanent Vacation is gearing up to release the third in its If This Is House I Want My Money Back series, and the line up is pretty impressive. Locked Groove, Mano Le Tough, Hnny, Axel Boman and more all contribute tracks to the record, as do Berlin-based production duo, Kim Brown. Kim Brown has had our ear for a while with their unique blend of deep house that manages to perfectly balance groove and melody. Their track for the comp, “Rubies, Riches & Crowns” is a slow burning house number with a rubbery bassline, laid back groove, and subtle synths fading in and out. It feel like a hazy memory and is a perfect track to zone out to. Check it out below, and while you’re at it, make sure to listen to the duo’s excellent debut record, Somewhere Else It’s Going To Be Good.

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