Hannah Wants & Chris Lorenzo – Rhymes

During the summer, this track was smashing sets all over the world without an ID. That was until last week when it was unveiled on BBC Radio One. Coming from longtime collaborators Hannah Wants and Chris Lorenzo, “Rhymes” is an achievement in house music designed to provoke a 4/4 ruckus if not a full blown groove session.

Indicative of their collaboration style, “Rhymes” is a vocal based, bass heavy grime heater that instantly lures you in like a moth to the flame. And because it’s nothing short of dynamic, it appears as if this track may have cross-genre appeal considering the exhibition Hannah Wants and Lorenzo have on display for us; we’re talking about a jacking bassline, a literal siren that calls out people onto the dancefloor, and a drop a little more than halfway in that is so wild it’s bound to make everyone erupt into an aroused state of pandemonium. This is all without mentioning the obvious passion for hip-hop production this duo has which grounds the track in a relatable way for uninformed clubgoers and elevates its status from a neat filler track to a setlist highlight.

Pick up “Rhymes” on Friday as part of the Annie Mac Presents compilation or wait until next week when it sees a release on Beatport.

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