Forbes – Let’s Go Somewhere

The UK powerhouse producer Forbes has been a blip on the radar for a while now following remixes of artists like Sigma and Calvin Harris. His newest track, however, is set to make him skyrocket straight onto center stage. Sampling Montell Jordan’s smooth operator single “Get It On Tonite,” Forbes’ latest – the aptly named “Let’s Go Somewhere” – has everything we as dance music fanatics want in a house heater: a smoky, atmospheric base with a sultry, and scarily inviting, lead vocal processed together with an enduring, loving, ever so warm bassline that pounds to a systematic backbeat which glows and ingrains itself into the very fiber of your being. It’s as if Forbes’ idea of saying “Let’s Go Somewhere” is persuading us to follow him into the strange, yet familiar nameless club that foggy memories are made of. And to him we are obviously screaming a resounding, “YES. PLEASE.”

No word yet as to when this is going to be made available, but it needs to be soon. This track is just too blessed to be under lock and key.

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