Expansion Broadcast: A Decade of DC Bass History

Airing international mixes from a small apartment for the past decade, local podcasters Expansion Broadcast (EXBC) have been changing the pace of Bass music right here in the nation’s capital. Birthed originally from the sounds of Drum & Bass and transitioning gradually through Dubstep to the now “post-Dubstep” sounds of “Future Bass” and “Future Garage,” EXBC has pivoted from a local Internet stream jam session toward a successful and respected podcast worldwide.

Begining in 2003, having been inspired by Drum & Bass radio network Destroyer.net, Eric Masiello, aka ‘IllEffect’/’Erictronica’, decided to launch a show of his own with close friend and MC, Mike Baraberesi (‘insuWRECKtionist’).  Masiello learned quickly that keeping in the loop, alongside the desire to share new records, could make EXBC a consistent platform for progression and networking. From there on out, Friday nights at 7pm became the network’s new home.

As EXBC grew, alongside it grew its sounds and team. Having guest DJ’s regularly booked, more and more resident DJ’s would join, provoking the play of other forms of Drum & Bass/Jungle. Baltimore-based friend Liam O’ Malley, aka ‘DJ Shade’, would eventually join Masiello as a host to continue the Drum & Bass legacy, later adding Mike Berry (‘Darkentiks’), Ali Berry (‘Hitoi’), and Harry Schrecengost (‘Harry Ransom’) to further the momentum. Drum & Bass still has a strong presence on EXBC today, with Dave ‘Deinfamous’ Windley keeping it alive within the D&B/Jungle circuit while playing side-by-side with Masiello as D-FECT.

As DJ’s grow and music evolves, new tastes inevitably come into play. Naturally, EXBC began something of a revolution, moving from an internet radio stream to an international podcast. Greg ‘Whighzeguy’ Dillion and Kyril Revels (‘Ricky Ricardo’) began introducing a newer form of Bass music; a deeper, more organic sound of the genre which would eventually come to be known as Dubstep. Having America’s ‘Dubstep Ambassador’ Joe Nice as a regular guest not only sparked Masiello’s interest, but broadened the network to a greater audience.

Fast forward to the current phase of Expansion Broadcast, the network has now broadened its palette even further, hosting the sounds of “Future Bass” and “Future Garage,” progressive twists on the genre of Bass music where DJ Gabriel ‘Refugee’ Galang introduces this new ‘shuffle’ sound of Bass to DC’s listeners.

“Today, our residents are vital to our success. I can’t imagine doing the show without them”, says Masiello. As a result of the effect of Expansion Broadcast, artists such as Italy’s Bist and France’s Gauvin are making regular contributions, turning this Washington D.C. podcast into an international, influential bass music hot spot.

Tune into Expansion Broadcast every Friday night at 7pm and get a taste of the hottest bass music around.


Host DJ’s:










You can also join Expansion Broadcast and Modus Operandi this Saturday, July 6th, for “All Around Soundclash Vol. 1” at Jimmy V’s. The event features DC’s renowned Drum & Bass duo D-FECT, as well as other stellar acts such as Lush, Pimpchanzee, Refugee, Tsurugi, and Cuddlemonster. Click here more for details!