Ben Macklin – Dare

London’s Ben Macklin, who is part of the duo Cassette Club, is going to make waves with his latest single. A tropical piece with an irresistible nudisco shimmer, “Dare” is the kind of music that transcends house and aims straight for the sugary goodness that’s not just easy to consume, but impossible not to love. Featuring an enchanting vocal by relative newcomer Emma Brammer, Macklin’s newest single writes a love letter to balearic, new wave-y, 80’s synthpop with a pen dipped in bass and dripping with sweet, sweet airiness; the effect is a starry eyed self-awareness that makes the track more than a novelty. Instead, Macklin is giving us an earnest expression of love for a very specific era of dance music that often gets overlooked in favor of whatever the newest hard hitting bass drop is. It’s a devout love of a simpler moment in dance music. And it’s the love that makes this track so beautiful.

You can pick up “Dare” on all major music platforms now.

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