Prince Club and Poupon – Treat Me Right

Montreal duo Prince Club has teamed up once again with fellow Canadian – and killer producer – Poupon for another epic underground hit called “Treat Me Right.” Coming out on Mark Knight’s Toolroom label, their latest outing is a dark, cycling deep house track worthy of the most insane rave environment you can think of. The moody pads add a layer of calculated grimace while the sample for the vocal track, which is no doubt touched with reverbs and echoes fit for the creepiest of caverns, has a siren call effect that will without a doubt get stuck in your head for days. Ultimately this track is designed to make the thoughts in your head run in circles until the only thing you have left are your impulses and it succeeds on multiple levels. That said, hopefully your impulse is to dance because when this track is finally released, it’s gonna be one hell of a bomb to drop in the middle of a set.

You can preview it below before it’s finally released on the next Toolroom Selector Series on October 5.

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