Years and Years – Memo

The UK’s Years and Years has been a growing presence for some time now especially after lead singer Olly was the featured vocalist on The Magician’s epic summer anthem, “Sunlight.” So it’s no surprise then that the newest track off their forthcoming album, “Desire,” is set to elevate Olly to Weeknd and Frank Ocean level status as a vocalist and Years and Years into a must see act in 2015.

The latest release, “Memo,” is a down tempo ballad that showcases pain, vulnerability, and a stripped down approach not seen yet by the mainly electronic act which not only showcases a very unique range for the group, but also a respect for emotive storytelling. It’s a piano driven tread through heartbreak with pinpoint R&B production and structure precise enough to give Billy Corgan a heart attack. In fact, the track is so hauntingly beautiful that it wouldn’t be a shock if the vocals were sampled and remixed throughout the coming months restlessly like the similarly paced “Stay With Me” by Sam Smith (or anything by Lorde in the past year and a half). It’s a sexy track. It’s a sensitive track. It’s the kind of track that will follow people around for months.

And you can listen to it below after the jump.

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