Stevie Wonder – Uptight (Eau Claire Remix)

Well known for their work in DC’s nudisco scene, Man and Woman are on the rise with their feel good, old-school-in-a-new-school aesthetic. Eau Claire, who makes up the “Woman” half of the duo, is no force to be reckoned with as a solo artist either.

Her latest remix, a hyper, vibed up retooling of Stevie Wonder’s masterpiece “Uptight,” is a disco-age slampiece just waiting to jettison out of your subwoofers and into the soles of your favorite pair of dancing shoes. With sharp claps and synth riffs reminiscent of “Future Shock” era Herbie Hancock, this is the kind of perked up, indie dance number that’s going to be few and far once autumn comes sweeping in with the deep and ambient house for those cold, dark nights.

Pick up Eau Claire’s savvy edit of Stevie Wonder’s classic via her Facebook page.

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