SAINT PEPSI – Pineapple Juniors (マクロスMACROSS 82-99 REMIX)

KEATS//COLLECTIVE is a Denver-based artist collective who offers sound portfolios and remixes each Wednesday. Here they bring together Long Island’s liquefied SAINT PEPSI and Japanese future funk artist マクロスMACROSS 82-99 for a remix Saint Pepsi’s “Pineapple Juniors.” The track speeds up classic disco sounds to a house music pace and adds powerful bass hits underneath to create funk so fresh you can’t help but move. Soulful vocals are drizzled lightly on top , マクロスMACROSS 82-99’s electro-crescendos fit comfortably in his catalog of high-pitched disco tracks with various pop nuances. The combined sound of these two producers makes for one radiant dance jam that is sadly cut short by a fade-out .

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