Prizm, “Perception”

The French act Prizm has been on the Blisspop radar for a while now, but with a new EP on the horizon from this self-declared ‘future-disco’ duo, we couldn’t help but share the details of their latest tantalizing cut.

“Perception,” the second track off their upcoming Poly EP, washes the dancefloor with an indie dance glow recently seen by acts like JackLNDN and Keljet that combines elements of funk, 80’s synthpop, and light complextro. Featuring brassy keys, a menagerie of spaced out vocal samples, and graceful percussion, “Perception” might just be Prizm’s best track to date and another reason why we can’t wait for the release of Poly.

Listen to Prizm’s newest concoction below and be sure to give them a follow on Facebook for more details on their pending release.

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