minority$ociety – Dreams (Boys Get Hurt Remix)

Tropical house is here to stay. And while the indie dance marketplace seems to be overflowing at this point with summery vibes and sandy shoals, there are some gems seeing the light of day. A while back, we covered a track by unknown producer Boys Get Hurt after a stunning debut via Yunizon Records and now it seems like the magic is set to continue with his newest offering.

Seattle based indie rappers minority$ociety get the remix treatment here to great effect; the original is a cruising, low tempo, lounge-y piece of hip-hop whereas the remix makes stellar use of Boys Get Hurt’s signature style that emphasizes overall feel instead of deep bass. This, in conjunction with keeping the original’s vocals relatively untouched, allows the track to maintain the very pure spirit of the source material while giving the track a little kick to make it ready for a mid-afternoon pool party set. And yes: the steel drums here hits you in the feels the same way a breeze hits you on the shore – soft, enchanting, and cleansing.

Listen to the remix after the jump and download it on Boys Get Hurt’s SoundCloud page.

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