Mike Posner – Cooler Than Me (Eau Claire Remix)

Coming off a hot remix of Stevie Wonder’s “Uptight,” Eau Claire – aka the female half of Man & Woman – has struck back with a dynamic, poppy retooling of Mike Posner’s ultra suave fratboy classic “Cooler Than Me.”

Taking an indie dance approach with a touch of deep house on the bassline, she has remapped the original into a winding, modulated, piano heavy track that’s relentlessly catchy and unabashedly straightforward. And yes. It’s pop. But it’s far from ironic and even farther from coy. This is the kind of track that pleases anyone in any crowd without having to try ultimately becoming the kind of jammed out remix suitable for big rooms with loud speakers and even louder ravers game for sweet hooks.

Grab the download via Eau Claire’s Facebook page and stream it below after the jump. Also, be sure to see Eau Claire perform as part of Man & Woman when they open for Chris Malinchak at U Street Music Hall later this week.

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