Macklemore & Ryan Lewis, “Wings (Löwenherz Edit)”

Löwenherz has been a name to keep track of ever since dropping the Nelson Mandela opus “We Love You” last year with frequent collaborator, Freed. The German producer’s organic, theatrical style is a feel that connects with heartstrings on and off the dancefloor giving him an edge that ranks him amongst artists such as Eric Prydz, Sam Feldt, and Lane 8.

His latest effort, a sweet, soulful, string-laden edit of Macklemore and Ryan Lewis’ track “Wings” off 2012’s The Heist, is a remix that builds off the idea of catharsis and religious experiences shared by those who dance into the early hours of the morning. And for those needing a better excuse to crowd the dancefloor, they can look forward to a hard-hitting, resounding bassline as back up for the colossal piano and lush array of orchestral accompaniment. So as the sun rises and the dawn of a new day approaches, hopefully there will be a moment where the DJ knowingly looks out to the crowd as a children’s choir sings about exultation leading to a glorious wash in the basin we lovingly call “house music.” And this song will be the soundtrack at that very moment.

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