Le Visiteur – Stand Up (feat. Loleatta Holloway)

UK based DJ and Producer Le Visiteur has become somewhat renowned for his funky grooves, penchant for throwback melodies, and love of disco. His most recent track, “Stand Up,” is no exception to any of these three characteristics. Borrowing the vocals to Loleatta Holloway’s 1976 dancefloor heater, “Dreamin’,” Le Visiteur has made a deep cut in his own right that builds on a minimal bassline reminiscent of 90s house, snares sharp enough to cut glass, and a crescendo that builds to a euphoric peak which makes your heart beat to the rhythm. And the fact that it weighs heavily on the sample of Ms. Holloway is genius: as she yells “stand up and tell everybody I got him,” you can’t help but feel like your soul is lifting up out of your body and into the spinning mirror balls overhead.

Check out this disco smasher below and grab it: it’s a free download.

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