Lane 8 ft. Lulu James, “Loving You (Moon Boots Remix)”

Loving You,” the latest single by deep house darling Lane 8 featuring vocals from Lulu James, just got the refix from another producer currently killing the game right now. Fresh off the track “Magic” which premiered recently through Annie Mac, Moon Boots has elevated his game on the remix of “Loving You” by extending his reach as a producer via the inclusion of more atmospheric pads, shuffling hi-hats, and balearic bass than we’ve come to expect from the French Express hotshot.

Ultimately, the edit culminates into an expression of longing and driving perseverance with a beat that is gentle as much as it is pushy. His take, in this sense, mixes the best of progressive trance and deep house has to offer almost taking on an early Deadmau5 vibe. It’ll leave your imagination winding through haunted corridors if you close your eyes while listening to it in a club and, for that, we say to Moon Boots: bravo.

Stream his remix of Lane 8’s “Loving You” featuring Lulu James below and make sure you RSVP to his upcoming show at Flash in August.

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