Javelin at American University on 1/21

Javelin, a DJ duo from Brooklyn, brings electro instrumentals and lyrical samples together into a unique collection of chill funk – for the most part. I can also see some of their songs on No Mas (2010) being ones on a classic hip-hop soundtrack for Gameboy games, if it existed. But whether you enjoy poppy synthesizers with deviant rap or not, I still think you would find their music entertaining and, after reading concert reviews, I highly recommend checking out their show at American University this coming January.

“In performance, Javelin use colorfully painted boomboxes that form large speaker totems (“boombaatas”) which can hang from the ceiling or stack up on the floor like pyramids. The signal from the show is broadcast via FM transmitter, thereby fostering audience participation (B.Y.O.Boombox) or fueling battery-powered, mobile parties.” – Thrill Jockey

With that said, I’m expecting this show to be a bit more extraordinary than your typical concert, so consider highly!

Concert details:
Friday, January 21, 2011
Doors at 8pm, Show at 9pm
American University, Kay Lounge A
FREE entry (limited to 150 people)
Go to AU’s Calendar for more

Javelin – Vibrationz