The Emperor Machine – Like A Machine LP

The Emperor Machine is the experimental project of dance music legend Andy Meecham, most well known for his work with Bizarre Inc. and Chicken Lips. Last month, he dropped the third album under his Emperor Machine moniker, and it’s slowly but surely been making it’s way to our year’s favorite records list. At first glance, the record is a blend of hectic electronics, retro soundscapes, and constantly changing genres that bounce between disco, techno and anywhere in between. Once you settle in though it becomes a completely engrossing journey full of cosmic funk, raunchy dance grooves, and a raw analog soundset that gives the album a ton of character and charm. Lead single “RMI Is All I Want” builds a driving disco beat under bipolar synth bleeps and heavily effected guitar accents. “The Point” has a throwback disco feel and could easily work as a Chicken Lips track. “Voices” and “Hey!” both riff off a dance punk energy and come out sounding like lost LCD Soundsystem cuts, and “Let The Bombs Fall” has a lazy dubbed out funk feel to it buried beneath a wall of clattering electronics. Each track has a distinct feel, but they all come together easily to form a seamless album that proves to be a hell of a good time. Take a listen below and grab Like A Machine now on Southern Fried:

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