DSF – Madness of Cactus

This was a find.

Coming out of Athens, Greece is DSF: a DJ, producer, and head of indie label Break the Rule who has a sound that defies genre expectations in favor of something that’s expressive, different, and fresh. His newest release, a track called “Madness of Cactus,” plays on these strengths as it traverses through the dark catacombs of dance music’s underbelly delivering an audio non-sequitur that bounces and floats with childish glee. It’s as if a mad scientist of H.P. Lovecraft’s design discovered a Moog and a Roland drum machine and started experimenting to recreate the voices in his head. The result is a hot, tribal, dusky retreat into a soundscape that is so easy to get lost in that you need a trail of breadcrumbs to find a way out.

In other words, it looks like the only cure for the “Madness of Cactus” is lots of dancing.

You can pick this up on all major digital music platforms.

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