Dauwd – Lydia

New material from UK producer Dauwd comes few and far between. Although he splashed onto the radar in 2011 with What’s There and Could it Be?/Shimmer, it wasn’t until 2013 that he released his acclaimed EP, Heat Division, followed by a set of Heat Division remixes in the late Fall. This all makes the arrival of “Lydia,” the A-side of his upcoming EP Kindlinn, so much sweeter. “Lydia” is a testament to Dauwd’s skill for incorporating many themes in his tracks without dwelling on extraneous pieces. With the bass guides you like a gentle current, Dauwd grows and develops the song’s ideas until the pieces come together in a harmonious and organic climax. If only it lasted a little longer–”Lydia” doesn’t ride out as it did in Dauwd’s latest Boiler Room set, but on the upside, it leaves you wanting more.

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