Crafty Daggers – Ready to Rock

Based in DC, Crafty Daggers have branded themselves with a slew of edits and remixes that mix their background as hip-hop DJs with contagious beats and catchy hooks (including last year’s remix of Foals’ “My Number” that continues to make people go crazy on the dancefloor). Their latest release, the original track “Ready to Rock,” honors this legacy they’ve been building while breaking new ground.

The track features many layers of hip-hop production including drum samples that bounce like a beach ball at a Jack Johnson concert and an almost hypnotic vocal track that, before each break, declares that they “came here to boogie.” The real beauty, however, lies in the bass line that creeps in about two minutes into the track and the plucky strings that come in a minute later; two real “whoa” moments that may very well be able to slay the dancefloor.

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