Ante Perry & Shimmer – Body and Soul (feat. Gia Mellish)

Coming off the upcoming Toolroom Records compilation, “Poolside Croatia,” which dropped on August 31, “Body and Soul” by Ante Perry and Shimmer is quite possibly one of those tracks that escalates a DJ’s career into the stratosphere. A minimal house track with a pulsing bassline and very tight – and incredibly tense – wind-ups into cathartic bass drops, “Body and Soul” makes great use of ambience and a back to basics approach that really turns up the heat. This is the kind of track that creeps into the back of your mind; the kind that you hear in a dark club and you try to remember what it sounded like the next day, but you can’t for the life of you figure out what it actually was. This track is a dark horse.

Make sure you get it when it’s released as part of the “Poolside Compilation” on August 31 via Toolroom Records.

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