denitia & sene – Side FX

This duo based out of Brooklyn has the slow burning soul going strong.

Coming off of Red Bull’s Sound Select label in November, “Side FX” is  a progressive head nodding piece of electronic funk that lays the vibes down in thick, slathering portions. The track is driven by a series of synths that punctuate the groove with bewitching and provocative results that call upon similar pieces of spaced out electronica such as Freezepop’s “Less Talk More Rokk” and early work by Shiny Toy Guns. The real star here, however, is the sultry delivery by vocalist denitia. When she croons about the mistakes she makes on the regular with a self-aware angst reminiscent of other songstresses like Fiona Apple et al., it’s heartfelt and believable and confessed with an utmost empathy. It’s as if the words pouring through the soundscape are an apologetic precursor to anything bad that’s bound to happen. And because it’s so vibrant and emotive, this is the kind of song that will have you humming in your car on your commute to work, on your morning jogs, or in the bathroom doing your personal business. This is an earworm that deserves to be heard.

Check out “Side FX” after the jump and be sure to grab your copy of denitia & seine’s EP when it’s released in November.

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