Premiere: Brett – Buzzy Mix

LA by way of DC dreampoppers, Brett, are back from the West Coast for a few days, and they’ll be celebrating the holidays by opening the stage at 9:30 club for Holy Ghost. We couldn’t be more excited for the lineup, and Brett’s been awesome enough to give us the premiere of their latest mix. It’s an eclectic offering of electronic favorites, new and old, and it’s a great mix to put on and vibe out to.

The show is tomorrow, 12/30, and doors open at 7 pm. You can grab tickets HERE

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=ff5500&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

Here’s the tracklist and a few words on each track from Brett


Intro: ‘Hey,’

David Bowie – ‘Subterraneans’ – meditate with Low area Bowie

John Maus – ‘Do Your Best’ – indeed

Jon Hopkins – ‘Collider’ – will transform your headspace

Bryan Ferry – ‘The Chosen One’ – Boys & Girls classic 80’s album

Talking Heads – ‘The Great Curve’ – polyrhythmic magic

Tears for Fears – ‘Mothers Talk’ – We can work it out

Kindness – ‘This Is Not About Us’ – dat drumbreak

Tornado Wallace – ‘Circadia’ – tribal beats & new age chants

Ariel Pink – ‘Lipstick’ – Pom Pom best album of 2014

New Order – ‘Round & Round’ – days spent programming music, seconds spent on lyrics

Caribou – ‘Can’t Do Without You’ – one of the best songs / records of the year

DJ Dodger Stadium – ‘Love Songs’ – lately I’ve been singing love songs by myself

Hot Chip – ‘How Do You Do?’ (Todd Terje Remix) – TT the Norwegian disco master

Mirror People – ‘Kaleidoscope’ (Psychemagik Remix) – pure pleasure

X-Press 2 & David Byrne – ‘Lazy’ (Norman Cooke Remix) – Fatboy Slim with David Byrne spoken word

Awesome 3 – ‘Don’t Go (Kicks Like A Mule)’ – classic XL Records breakbeat track