Philip Goyette – “Chvrch”

The Sticky Fingers Collective put out DC based artist Philip Goyette’s “Chvrch” a few weeks ago in their Artist Compilation Vol. 1. In “Chvrch,” Goyette mixes elements of both house and techno to great effect. “Chvrch” features a subtle yet driving bass line that repeats one pitch throughout the track. Staying with the theme of repetition, Goyette uses a short vocal sample as the hook.

In musical composition, artists generally have three areas they can focus on to grasp the listener’s attention: melodies, harmonies, and rhythms. For “Chvrch,” Goyette focused his attention on percussive rhythms. The “Chvrch” bass line screams techno, but the percussion is very much house. Not only is the track’s percussion intricately rhythmic, but each of Goyette’s percussive elements occupy a unique frequency. By giving each percussive component a frequency niche, Goyette paints an aesthetically pleasing sonic painting. Listen to and download “Chvrch” for free here:

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