Paula Temple – Deathvox

With new interest being paid to other sub genres in the house spectrum as big room, progressive, and electro begin to wane, there seems to be a subconscious push into new territory on the behalf of producers and DJs seeking to fulfill new appetites. This shift is fantastic in regards to tapping ideas with grand potential. This track is one of those tapped ideas.

The UK’s Paula Temple, who is signed to R&S Records and also curates the Noise Manifesto, has just released “Deathvox”: a track so tribal and aggressive that it plays on the inner recesses of the human consciousness to deliver something hard and edgy while staying pure and satisfying. Primarily a percussion based track with elements of noise rock, this is rave music at its finest and while it may be a bit much for the average club goer, the pay off throughout is cathartic and eargasmic despite the potential night terrors after listening to it on an endless loop.

Check out this dark masterpiece after the jump and pick it up now via Beatport or iTunes.

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