Air France – It Feels Good to Be Around You

With plenty of patience taken in wait for Air France’s new work, the time has come. After two years since their last release, Joel Karlsson and Henrik Markstedt from Sweden are close to releasing their first full-length album. The beach pop and Balearic disco that Air France showed off in their EP’s No Way Down (2008) and On Trade Winds (2006) gave listeners excitement for their beach dance party playlists as it presented a type of hazy tropical enjoyment similar to The Tough Alliance and JJ.

As of today, Air France releases their first track off of their new album, which was assisted by upcoming electronic pop artist Star Slinger. It introduces a heavier dance vibe compared to their previous work of soft rhythms, while keeping hazy female vocals in tact to repeat “are you ready Air France?” throughout the track to signify a new challenge or beginning, perhaps. The Swedish label Sincerely Yours will be releasing the album and, although no release date has been stated yet, I’d expect more surprises from them soon.

Air France – It Feels Good to Be Around You